What is the official language in Ghana?
What is the Capital of Ghana?
Is the only country in the world with only one color for its flag?
Approximately how many pyramids are present in Sudan?
Is the only country in the world with only one color for its flag?
Which African country has the oldest universities in the world?
Which is the richest country in Africa?
Name the largest reptile found in only in Africa.
Africa is the  largest of the earths seven continents?
Telenor Answer: Which movie was filmed in Sahara Desert?
Telenor Answer: Zulbiah is famous ------ in Iran for Ramadan?
Telenor Answer: Which of the following is a traditional Ramadan dish in Iran
Telenor Answer: Iranian suhoor is incomplete without the traditional drink called?
Telenor Answer: During Ramadan tourists & visitors in Iran are provided food only in
Telenor Answer: In Persian Iftar is called as?
Telenor Answer: What is the most common food in South Africa?
Telenor Answer: Name the national park located in South Africa? TELENOR
Telenor Answer: What is the official currency in South Africa? TELENOR
Telenor Answer: Which African country has hosted the 2010 FIFA World Cup?
Telenor Answer: What is the national sport of Nigeria?
Telenor Answer: The Nigerian film industry is known as
Telenor Answer: Which of the following is a famous art gallery in Nigeria
Telenor Answer: Name the food festival held in Lagos?
Abuja is home to famous–––– park
Telenor Answer: Which of the following is the famous beach in Lagos
Telenor Answer: What is the national drink in Nigeria
Telenor Answer: What is the capital of Nigeria
Telenor Answer: What is the national food of Africa
Telenor Answer: What is the main dish in Africa
Telenor Answer: The White Nile and Blue Nile meet where in Sudan
Telenor Answer: Temperatures in the Sahara can reach
Telenor Answer: What continent is Mali located on
Telenor Answer: What is traditional African food based on
Telenor Answer:  In which country does the White Nile originate?
Telenor Answer: Which is the most spoken language in Africa?
Telenor Answer: How many people live on the African continent?
Telenor Answer: The takes up the southern edge of the Sahara
Telenor Answer: Which is the largest city in Africa?
Telenor Answer: Name the famous Djiboutian Sweet called.
Telenor Answer: Tanzanian tables at suhoor are incomplete without coconut flavoured
Telenor Answer: In Eritrea, people bring food in mosques every Friday &
Telenor Answer: During Ramadan, meals in Kenya are usually served with?
Telenor Answer: Mesaharati is a tradition of beating ------ to wake people up for suhoor.
Africa is the world's ----- largest and second-most populous continent?
Which of the following is not tribal community of Africa?
How many time zones are there in Africa?
Which is the longest river in Africa?
Which African river crosses the equator two times?
What is the capital city of France? Telenor
Before Ramadan begins children in